import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** This class represents a Reliable Broadcast Process, using the 'message diffusion' algorithm presented by Vassos Hadzilacos and Sam Toueg (with some adjustments) presented in Chapter 5 of "Distributed Systems", 2nd edition, 1993, Mullender. @author Tom Austin */ public class ReliableBroadcastProcess { //We must track which messages we have received. private List messagesReceived; //String that uniquely identifies the process protected String procID; //Number of messages initially sent by this process. protected int messageSentCount; //Connection details for this implementation. private InetAddress address; private MulticastSocket socket; private static int SOCKET = 4446; /** Constructor. @param groupAddress Address for this broadcast group. */ public ReliableBroadcastProcess(String ID, String groupAddress) { procID = ID; messageSentCount = 0; messagesReceived = new ArrayList(); try { socket = new MulticastSocket(SOCKET); address = InetAddress.getByName(groupAddress); socket.joinGroup(address); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** Constructor. Defaults to use address */ public ReliableBroadcastProcess(String ID) { this(ID, ""); } /** Method that represents the send primitive. It transmits a message to all processes, including itself. Note that the text differed slightly from this in that its send primitive was responsible only for transmitting a message to a single process, rather than transmitting to all processes. To capture this difference, we have renamed this "sendToAll". @param m Message to transmit. */ public void sendToAll(Message m) { byte[] buf = m.transmissionString().getBytes(); try { DatagramPacket packet = new DatagramPacket(buf, buf.length, address, SOCKET); socket.send(packet); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** Method that represents the receive primitive, following the text's algorithm. @param m Message received. */ public void receive(Message m) { //If the message has been received before, it is then ignored. if (!messagesReceived.contains(m)) { //We must track messages that we receive so that we do not // relay them multiple times. messagesReceived.add(m); //Note that the message is relayed to all processes // before it is delivered. sendToAll(m); deliver(m); } } /** This broadcasts a new message. Note that at creation, the message is tagged with the process's ID and the sequence number of this message. @param messageText Text of message to broadcast. */ public void broadcast(String messageText) { Message m = new Message(messageText, procID, messageSentCount++); sendToAll(m); } /** To simulate delivery, we just print out the message. @param m Message to deliver. */ public void deliver(Message m) { System.out.println(" Delivered: " + m); } /** Starts the process running. It will read from standard input and broadcast messages for text that the user enters. Also, this will start the listener thread so that it will receive messages broadcast by other processes. */ public void start() { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; startListenerThread(); while (true) { try { String messageText = reader.readLine(); broadcast(messageText); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } /** Starts a new thread to listen for broadcast messages. */ protected void startListenerThread() { RBListenerThread thread = new RBListenerThread(this, address, SOCKET); thread.start(); } /** Calls the start method for this class. */ public static void main(String [] args) { if (args.length < 1) { System.out.println("Usage: java ReliableBroadcastProcess "); System.exit(0); } ReliableBroadcastProcess rbp = new ReliableBroadcastProcess(args[0]); rbp.start(); } }